
Monday, March 1, 2021

February wrap-up

February was mostly gross. We struggled through a school slump in January and except for a week or so, that seemed to continue through most of February. The weather was very, very wet - so, so much rain. It was cold (some snow), and windy. We took a vacation (more on this soon) at the end of the month, but came right back into cooooold and rainy weather. The kids played outside a ton despite all the rain with all the neighborhood kids. We're looking forward to a less rainy March (I hope!).

We ran into Bonnie and family on a trip to Freedom Park unplanned one Saturday!

We participated in Freedom Park's Love on the Loose Valentine's Day scavenger hunt! They hid 24 stuffed animals and animal facts all around the park and you got to run around finding them and writing down the facts. Eleanor took the quiz afterwards to be entered into a raffle.

Rosie post-nap is a sight to behold.

We had friends over for dinner one night and the kids took over the dining room table.

The weather has been terrible, but we've taken walks in the rain.

We had one unseasonable warm day and the girls dressed in matching outfits.

Eleanor is in the midst of writing her first book, a sequel to one of the series she likes. (I do a lot of the typing for her - she is not very proficient, but it is good practice for her.)

I love snuggle time with my little man.

Eleanor and I had a day date the other day while Jane had a birthday party to attend.

The birthday party Jane attended.

Ben and Rosie attempting to play don't let it touch the ground with a balloon.

Onward to March...

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Cute balloon game!~! Nice you got to meet up at the park with L, E and B! Looked like a fun day and can't wait to read E's book!!!