
Monday, March 8, 2021

Florida - Blue Springs State Park

On our way out of Orlando we decided to stop by Blue Springs State Park on a recommendation from my mom (thanks, mom!). It was the verrrry end of manatee season - this place has hundreds and hundreds of manatees at its peak, but the day we went the number was 13 and dropping quickly. We still decided to venture a visit and I am SO glad we did! It was one of the most memorable parts of our trip! We saw all kinds of fish, probably all 13 of the manatees, turtles, an alligator, and much other wildlife.

The water was so, so clear.

Here is the most visible manatee I took a picture of.

Can you spot the alligator?

There are two manatees in this picture - can you spot them?

It was such a great stop - I would definitely go back. I was so impressed. I can't even imagine how cool this is during peak season.


Dorothy said...

Glad it was such a memorable stop. Dave and I really enjoyed it a saw hundreds of Manatee but no alligator!

Patty said...

Love hearing the kids on the video and that's a beautiful pic of you and Chris!!