
Thursday, April 1, 2021

March wrap-up

March was a month filled with rain, a handful of beautiful spring days, and a lot of outdoor play. We definitely are feeling "spring fever" now. There hasn't been a lot going on here as we transition out of the winter months into warmer weather. We are trying to wrap up the bulk of our homeschooling in April so that we are more free to just play and bike in May while the weather is nice. We'll definitely keep up with a few subjects (language arts and math), but hope to have most other stuff mostly finished. 

Eleanor climbed up something like 30 feet in a tree.

We did some science experiments for school to figure out the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates, and how streamlining affects flight and swimming.

Ben remains obsessed with vehicles

The girls went on a matching kick.

The big girls also made leprechaun traps for St. Patrick's Day. Eleanor's even had wall decorations.

My friend moved away!

The girls have been getting creative playing Chronicles of Narnia.

We still love our neighborhood.

Auntie Ashleigh came down for an afternoon visit.

We did our first ride to our local river beach. It was so so windy.

Rosie rode her bike all the way to the park for the first time (with training wheels) and rode into a ravine.

Jane is a beast. She is completely flooring us this spring with her strength on the playground and aggressiveness in backyard soccer. I am actually pretty excited to see how summer swim goes for her!

We celebrated 100 (official) days of school with a few activities! We have overall done more school, but just stuff here and there so it was hard to count "actual" school days.

Onward to April!


Dorothy said...

You are so busy! Sorry your friend moved away. I am impressed with the creativity of the Leprechaun traps. Jane is competitive - I look forward to seeing her swim this summer too!

Patty said...

those leprechaun traps were so cute!! Can't wait for summer swim!! And I love how Ben and Rosie also participate in school!!