
Monday, April 12, 2021

Rosie rider

The other day, Rosie rode her training wheel bike to the park for the first time. It was slow. Painfully slow. At the end she ended up in a ravine across the street from the park because her front wheel went off the road, she fell over the front of her bike, and then slid down the leafy embankment almost to the little creek below. It was top 3 for scariest parenting moments of my life. I abandoned my bike and Ben in the middle of the road to scramble down the hill to get her. She got right back on though and finished up the ride! 

The next week, she surprised us and took off riding with no training wheels! She was not motivated like Jane was and would typically try one time and say, "It's too tippily" and then abandon the attempt. We kept trying once every 3 days or so and then eventually she got it! Now she's riding like a champ.

Now we need to get her starting independently and then get Ben peddling and using a balance bike so he can hopefully join her on two wheels (realistically not for a year or two).


Dorothy said...

That is awesome! She is so nonchalant about it...

Patty said...

I remember when her dad went down an embankment on the Danube River!!! :-)
Great job fierce little Rosie!!