
Monday, May 3, 2021

April wrap-up

April was great. The weather wasn't quite as warm the entire month, so it was a nice spring. The pollen came in and left somewhat quickly, and we pushed hard to mostly finish up school. The girls have a couple academic goals for this summer, but we've pretty much finished out the curriculum we chose for this past year and after Eleanor finishes her testing this first week of May, we'll truly be done!

The twins have been enjoying their tricycle. Ben doesn't quite know how to pedal very effectively, but Rosie is more than happy to pedal him around.


Just some kids playing together

Ben got a cut on the inside of his mouth but really wanted a band aid and Chris put it on him like this. He left it there for hours! It was so silly.

The sidewalk chalk is back out.

The twins' favorite dinner is spaghetti and meatballs

Our small group did a big group donation to a local charity that deals with pregnancy to try to get the kids involved in service.Eleanor missed the picture because she was in the bathroom.

Ben dancing at church. It's always a sight to behold.

The girls all dressed in their jammies that match their dolls. They love, love, love them.

Fun on the stairs.

The kids served as demonstratees (is that a word?) for a swim instructor class. The instructors needed some kids to practice on and they loved it.

We cooked hot dogs over a campfire in our neighbor's backyard.

The girls have been very into painting nails recently and have even gotten Ben in on the action.

Chris and the girls played basketball at the park.

Jane has gotten quite banged up.

All of Ben's dump truck dreams came true this month when the dirt delivery guy let him operate the dump truck.

Chris and I both got our first vaccines this month (at different times)

Ben was very excited to sit in the back of our neighbor's boat while it sat in their driveway. He was in heaven!

Just some kids on a trike.

Pizza movie night with friends!

We went to a teeny tiny petting zoo where they had this alpaca or llama that looked like a giraffe.

The kids have been swimming at the marina already (and despite how cold the water still is).

We got to meet baby Robert, our newest cousin and our first nephew! They came down to Williamsburg and we got to spend lots of time with him. He is so sweet and content and the kids are very obsessed (a little too much in Ben's case).

We had a nap time incident involving Ben and a water bottle.

We got to play at a fun playgroundwhile Chris played in a 3-on-3 basketball tournament.

Outdoor church

Eleanor and Jane have been reading bedtime stories to our younger neighbors most nights of the week out in the front yard.

Fun outside in the water table with all the littles.

April was a great month. I'm not looking forward to warmer weather than this until the pool opens at the end of May! Here's to more great spring weather until then!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Great update. Love Rosie pedaling Ben around!