
Friday, June 25, 2021

Wild and wonderful West Virginia

On the heels of our trip to Boston, we headed to West Virginia with grandma and Dave (and Uncle Eric joined shortly after!) to spend a mini vacation together. It was wonderful. The kids love hiking, being outside, and campfires so it was right up their alley. 

The first day we got there we played some mini golf, went swimming, and played badminton.

Dave grilled for us and we ate outside on the porch. The older girls were also excited to have a sleepover at grandma and Dave's cabin.

The next day we hiked around Blackwater Falls. There were some beautiful views!

Some of the trails were a little muddy and Rosie fell down a few times, but the views were worth it.

When did a campfire that evening and the kids made s'mores.

After we checked out the next day we took a drive (a tad long and windy) up to Dolly Sods. It was a really fun place to hike around - almost a little like bouldering. The kids loved climbing all the rocks and finding random trails to walk through. The scenery was gorgeous and I can only imagine how it will look in another week or two when all the laurel blooms. Rosie particularly loved it and could be heard muttering under her breath the whole time she climbed, "This is way funner than other hike. I like this. That rock is shaped like a kitar (guitar)." Ben was not super confident at first but grew braver as we went on.

Overall we had a great time and it was fun to do something different! It was truly a great and memorable trip!


Dorothy said...

Loved going on this trip with you guys! The kids always seemed to find something to do! They do LOVE smores!

Patty said...

What wonderful pictures and memories!!