
Monday, July 5, 2021

June wrap-up

June has been hot! School for the public school kids finally ended, and swim season is well underway. We took a trip to Massachusetts and West Virginia, and settled into the heat.

Rosie had an incident resulting in a concussion. As her swim coach said, "It's a great day to be a Flyer!" (She was attempting to fly off the top bunk.)

We went to Colonial Williamsburg to see the foals.

We had a great small group evening at the river in the rain.

Ben and Rosie did swim lessons.

We've napped in some strange places and positions.

Played with Bonnie!

Played hide and seek!

We took Rosie over to a neighbor's house and she kept running inside to let the vent blow up her dress. It was very Marilyn Monroe-esqe. 

We celebrated Father's Day at the pool with friends.

There was a birthday party amongst the "posse" or the "rat pack" as they call themselves.

We went to the $1 movies at our local theater on a rainy day.

First fruits from the plants in our garden!

Eleanor made and interesting choice to do the monkey bars 21 times without a pause or break and had to reap the consequences.

We are doing the library's summer reading program and got a coupon for Kilwin's this week!

It's been a fun month. Looking forward to July!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Yummy ice cream! Ben and Rosie's naps:) Another great month!