
Monday, August 30, 2021

Eleanor and Jane's first joint birthday party!

Eleanor and Jane decided to have a joint birthday party this year. The theme was Camp Birthday. They wanted to do a backyard camp out but the weather just wasn't totally cooperating. That being said, it ended up being ideal "bad" weather because the rain held off long enough to do the outdoor parts and wasn't too bad that they couldn't end up sleeping on the (covered) back porch.

We started out with some crafting, engineering marshmallow/toothpick tents.

We roasted dinner over the camp fire.

After dinner, we did s'mores.

And then more crafting. We painted logs...

Scoutmaster Chris manned the fire...

Then Ben and Rosie made their ice cream sundaes (we did the big girls' later that night).

The big girls and I took off for an evening walk to learn about water safety and responsible flashlight use.

We watched the sunset over the river. Everyone brought their camp kits down so they would be able to pull their flashlights out for the walk home.

Then we did ice cream sundaes and one last craft - a lantern to take to bed, and started heading to the tents.

The big girls slept outside on the back porch.

The little girls slept up in the bonus room.

No one slept much at all. I believe all the littles were down around 2am and the bigs by 2:30. But it was a rough night! The next morning we made some necklaces while eating quiche and birthday sprinkle scones.

Then parents came to pick up their tired and sugar-full kids!


Patty said...

Love these pictures and your creativity! Especially loved the ones of them holding hands at the beach! I hope you've recovered by now!

Dorothy said...

Those toothpick tents looks like fun! It looks like great fun for all. Nice job Katie!