
Monday, September 13, 2021

First day of school 2021-2022

The big girls went back to school for the first time in 18 months! And for the first time, our county decided to start the week before Labor Day. Eleanor is starting 3rd grade and Jane is starting 1st - also her first time at school since we homeschooled for Kindergarten.

The day the school teacher letters came, our neighbor came over asking Eleanor who she got. She was so eager to find out if they got the same teacher...


We went to open house to meet the teachers earlier in the week. Jane absolutely loved everything about her teacher and classroom. She was giddy for days. She took home a special surprise to open up the night before school - a pencil, some smarties, and a friendship bracelet.

Both girls were so excited to start school today and we are excited for them! We had a big breakfast of bacon, eggs, and waffles, and then off they went...!

Here's to hoping for great teachers, new friends, and no quarantines...


Dorothy said...

Such fun learning who their teachers would be! I hope it is a great school year for them both!

Patty said...

Gorgeous pictures! I miss these days. I'm so happy for the girls and their classrooms look wonderful!! I hoe they have a wonderful school year!!