
Thursday, September 30, 2021

September wrap-up

September was a strange mix for us of summer and fall. School started so we got into a routine again with a schedule and packing lunches and backpacks, but the pool stayed open, so in addition to backpacks and sweatshirts (for the classroom) hanging on hooks, bathing suits and towels were hanging, too. This month felt like the start of the "new normal" finally. With the girls back in school for the first time since March 2020 and Chris headed back into the office three days a week, life has returned to a semblance of pre-COVID days, with obviously a lot of changes.

We enjoyed sunsets at the marina.

Rosie at Upper County Park.

Small group started meeting again.

Rosie kicking it at our neighborhood's Labor Day picnic. She was tired.

Jane's been tired since school started.

The girls are happy to be back at the bus stop.

Ben is pretty good with spatial awareness.

The twins love riding in shopping carts!

Eleanor and Jane started gymnastics, and after only three classes, they both "graduated" to level 2.

Ben and Rosie started Open Door, which they call "school" and they are so excited to go!

They love kinetic sand...I only wish I did.

I realized these two didn't know how to drink out of a water fountain since they've all been shut down since COVID.

Jane got a new school shirt.

Antelope and Uncle Benny took us out on their boat during school one day!

Ben and Rosie fell asleep on the way home...

The girls have been loving trying to roller blade.

We found this weird slug thing the other day...

Our street has an annual Hurricane Isabel party. It's a big pot luck in the cul-de-sac to commemorate the 8 days they were without power 19 years ago and ate as a group every night out in the street. It was so fun to meet neighbors old and new. Some people who had moved away locally came back to join in.

The daily drudge of making lunch...

Rainy trip to the bus stop.

I finally took out Jane's hair wrap after more than 2 months. 

We walked for Ovarian Cancer research.

Church these days...

Shooting hoops, climbing trees, and playing tennis at the park.

Dad/son time watching football.

The weather seemed to start turning cooler with the official changing of summer to fall. We still had a few hot days this week, but are looking forward to cooler weather!


Patty said...

Great pictures of a busy month! What a fun tradition for Hurricane Isabel. I remember it well in NOVA, but can't imagine no electricity for 9 days!!

Dorothy said...

What an update! Lots going on with your busy family. Great pics!