
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Grammy and Opa visit!

Grammy and Opa flew from Texas to visit us in Virginia! It was a wild time, beginning with a sword fight...

We ate lots of meals around the table...

Jane read to Opa, and Opa embellished a bit and read back to Jane...

They got to spend lots of time with their great grandchildren and their great grandchildren loved all the time together!

We took walks...

Did some coloring with new markers and colored pencils...

Everyone came to watch the kids play soccer...

We went to Lauren's for dinner and a boat ride...(and the kids got a fun golf cart ride, too!)

We played at the local playground...

Read more stories with Grammy...(I think she was trying to get them to nap. No dice there.)

They came to the bus stop every afternoon and in the morning before they left!

We even did a bit of puzzling (and some cards, but I didn't get a picture of that).

We loved every second of their wonderful visit. Thank you SO much for coming!!!

And finally, a couple songs to part with :)

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

It was SO GOOD to be with Gammy and Opa! I loved every minute as well!!! Thanks for hosting Katie. Thanks to G&G for making the trip!