
Thursday, October 14, 2021

Virginia Beach

This girls had a virtual school day and we decided that after they finished their synchronous zooms, we would head to the beach for the afternoon. The zooms did not go as smoothly as we had hoped - trying to get both girls on simultaneously, trouble-shoot their issues, and manage Ben and Rosie proved to be ridiculously challenging and reaffirmed that homeschooling last year was the correct decision for our family.

We met up with another girl from Eleanor's class and our neighborhood.

We played on some of the beach playgrounds...

We walked by the Neptune festival - incredible sandcastle building!!

Ben showed us his can opener at the next playground.

We played on some of the art along the boardwalk.

We got ice cream for dinner.

Then we started walking back while playing on dunes.

Ben loved the construction vehicles, of course.

All in all it was a great day!


Patty said...

Nothing like a day at the beach! And I definitely approve of ice cream for dinner!!

Dorothy said...

Love the sand and water! Great end of summer outing and fun dinner!