
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Ben and Rosie's birthday

Happy birthday to Ben and Rosie! I worked on their cake the night before. They said they wanted a four on it and wanted both chocolate and vanilla icing.

My last night with three-year-olds!

Waking up with the girls on their birthday!

And starting their string...

Lots of fun presents to open, cards to read, and even a book to read (Jane wrote them each a book).

Then it was off to breakfast with dad. Chick-fil-A at a local park.

Rosie playing with her new toy - a computer keyboard. The things kids are excited about these days...

Then it was cake time!

Antelope and Uncle Benny, Bonnie, and Uncle Rob came over for cake!

We ended the evening by playing some games, including this fun new stomp rocket Ben got from Uncle Benny and Antelope!

It was a great day for them and they are happy to be a year older. Happy birthday Rosie and Ben!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Such cute pictures of the twins with their cake! Happy Birthday Ben and Rosie!!!!