
Thursday, January 6, 2022

New Year

New Year's Eve was a low key affair for us. A couple friends wanted to hang out but all decided not to risk it when they heard we had gotten sick. One other family who had also gotten sick decided they were up for some outdoor hanging out, so we headed over to their patio and the kids watched a movie outside while we sat around the firepit.

On New Year's Day, Jane, Eleanor, and Rosie all decided to participate in our neighborhood's Polar Plunge. Brrrr! Ben at the last minute decided he wasn't interested.

We made some soup and then started a gingerbread house... I had saved some dough earlier in the season always intended to get together with Auntie Lo and Bonnie to make a house, but since we were hanging out solo the last couple weeks, we decided to try ourselves. 

Happy New Year to all. We hope 2022 is full of health, peace, a steady return to "normal," and time with loved ones.


Dorothy said...

Wow, that plunge will sure wake you up! Impressed they did it! Sorry you had to do the gingerbread house alone....I am sure it turned out fun and yummy! The outdoor movie looked fun for the kids! Happy New Year!!

Patty said...

So glad you got together for New Year's! Love the pic of the kids watching a movie outside! They are very brave to go in that cold water! Well done! Here's to a healthy new year! How did the house turn out??