
Monday, February 28, 2022

February wrap-up

February mixed in some very mild weather along with some quite cold days. We spent tons of time outside and while we dealt with some challenging personal situations, we still had some wonderful times, as well.

We took a hike/walk together on President's Day down in CW.

We went to a splash night at an indoor pool.

We watched Chris play tennis at the park (where he finally beat our neighbor once!)

We played hide and seek.

Something came with dry ice and the kids got a kick out of it.

One evening while making dinner, kids just kept coming to the door and joining in the fray until there weren't chairs left and Chris and I were relegated to the kitchen table for dinner. An impromptu "date night"

Pajama day at school is always a hit.

We biked with friends

Eleanor made pretzels (her Uncle Johnny would be proud).

We've been searching for signs of spring.

Jane dressed like a jedi for a party.

We've played outside with lots of friends, almost daily.

Ben and Rosie have helped me bake.

We finished the 6th Harry Potter book, and as you can imagine, Eleanor is desperate to read the 7th and final installment. 

Jane's been on a jeans and hoodies kick recently and she just looks so grown up!

Rosie loves wearing all the crowns Jane brings home from school - this one was for Groundhog Day.

I'm ready for March - in like a lion, out like a lamb (though that seems to more be the case with February this year). 

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Love how all the neighborhood kids congregate at your house! Fun days.