
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! The "holiday" fell on a school day this year and the girls were thrilled, as always, to exchange Valentines with friends. They made heart-shaped paper airplanes this year for everyone (a craft from a Highlights magazine, thanks Aunt Holly and Uncle Mike!). Their school took a hard line on candy this year, so no food came home. 

We had heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast.

Then the kids had lollipops for breakfast, hah! They were very excited about it because that's never happened before.

We had a delicious chocolate fondue tray for dessert that night (and we had our traditional french toast the next nothing else going on). 

Happy Valentine's Day from this crew:


Patty said...

Such cute pictures!! Fondue looks delicious!!

Dorothy said...

Happy Valentines Day! So sweet!

The Stratton Scrapbook said...

Love the heart shaped pancakes! So many special traditions!