While we were visiting Chris' parents for the weekend, we decided to go into D.C. and visit a couple of the museums, as well as see a few of the monuments.
We saw the Washington Monument (Jane is studying George Washington at school right now) and the White House.

We went to the Natural History Museum first.
We started with the dinosaurs, of course!
From there we moved on to the gems. The girls were interested in the Hope Diamond, but Eleanor loved all of them, as did Gaby.
We explored their large mammals...
...and the ocean...
...and we even saw some mummies!
We also went to their insect exhibit, passing through the pandemic (or "Outbreak") exhibit rather quickly as, while relevant, feels like it's hitting a little too close to home these days.
The kids were pretty much museumed-out after an hour and a half at the Natural History Museum, but on the way toward the car, we swung through the American History Museum to check out the ruby red slippers and the First Ladies' dresses. On the way, though, we saw George Washington again, so Jane got her picture taken.
From the museums, we grabbed sandwiches out of the car and headed toward the WWII Memorial - one of my favorites. It was built while I was in high school and I still remember going with friends to visit it once it was done.
Rose and Ben were tired of walking, so they went back toward the car with Chris while Gaby, Eleanor, Jane, and I walked down the reflecting pool toward the Lincoln Memorial.
Jane was so interested in the stone memorializing Martin Luther King, Jr. on the Lincoln Memorial steps.
On the way back, we walked through the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
From there we headed back to the car where we found out Chris had been busy taking silly pictures of Ben and Rosie at the Washington Monument while they waited for us.
It was a great day in D.C!
So much to do and see! Beautiful day and such cute pics of the twins and the Washington Monument!!!
Oh I love these pics and the memories! Love the pics of Ben and Rosie at the Washington Monument!!
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