
Thursday, March 31, 2022


We had the privilege of meeting our new nephew this past week! Huge congratulations to Auntie Lo, Uncle Benny, and Bonnie on their new addition: Riser! Yay for this newly minted family of four! I was so lucky that the hospital changed their guest policy weeks before Riser was born. That means both my mom and I were able to go and meet him!

We also got the opportunity to spend lots of time with Bonnie that week. Grandma came down to help out and we got together quite a bit.

Once they got home we were able to swing over and let the rest of the family meet him! Ben was so eager! Rosie was much more hesitant.

Then, later that week, we got to celebrate our other nephew, Robert's first birthday!

He got to open some presents.

Was doted on by his female cousins...

And he got to enjoy some cake!

Our kids enjoyed playing with baby Robert's other cousins, too!

It was fun to celebrate this little man turning 1!

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