
Thursday, March 24, 2022

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Jane particularly was very tickled the leprechaun turned the toilets green. She couldn't believe it! 

Eleanor and Jane worked very hard on a "trap" for the leprechaun. Their strategy this year was to make a home instead of a trap, and to make it so comfortable the leprechaun would just want to stay. This didn't prevent Eleanor from setting a trip wire with tape behind it, "just in case" so the leprechaun would trip into the house and get stuck on the tape. 

Jane even made a bunch of toys for the leprechaun and signs for the wall to keep him comfortable.

That night we had green waffles for dinner and then a read-a-thon up in the bonus room.

Over the weekend we went to Busch Gardens for their St. Patrick's Day celebration and to ride their new roller coaster, the Pantheon.

Ben and Rosie rode Grover's Alpine Express (the kid coaster) and thought it was good - I was surprised. I thought for sure Ben wouldn't like it.

Jane waited with me because she doesn't like roller coasters.

We ran into friends we hadn't seen in awhile at the park.

Eleanor rode the Pantheon 4 times. She loved it.

We even got Pantheon cupcakes at the park and the big girls got their faces painted - Minerva and Neptune (the twins didn't want to). This was all part of a Pantheon grand opening party for members.

It was a beautiful and fun day.


Patty said...

this post makes me so happy! I am absolutely amazed at their leprechaun creativity. It warmed my heart! HAVE to go to Bush Gardens this year!!!

Dorothy said...

Looks like so much fun! I love the leprechaun house! They sure did work hard on it!