
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Visiting Papa Laser and Gaby

Last weekend we went up to visit Papa Laser and Gaby! 

We always try to go up when the sibling crew from CO come out, but this time we went solo, and Rosie particularly was pretty thrilled with her upgrade in sleeping situation.

We got to have pizza movie night with Gaby's original homemade pizza (the recipe and tradition for Friday pizza was passed to me from her when Chris and I got married and we've had pizza most Fridays ever since).

We went to D.C., Gravelly Point, and Paradise Springs (pictures coming in subsequent posts, though unfortunately I didn't take any at Paradise Springs, though the kids did find some woods to play in along with a couple of forts built by previous visitors). We also took a walk up to the local elementary school.

On the way home from Paradise Springs, Chris showed the kids his old elementary school, the house he grew up in (his parents moved while he was in college), and even ran into his old neighbor who was out walking!

Papa Laser surprised the kids with ice cream one night - lucky ducks!

Eleanor learned a new game, Set, while at Paradise Springs and turned out to be pretty good at it. Jane even walloped Eleanor and Gaby!
And we took lots of pictures before we left - even a matching jammie one with Papa Laser and Rosie (which sparked the photo session)!

There was lots of loudness yelling goodbye, much to Jane's chagrin. But it was a great visit and we had so much fun!


Patty said...

Oh, I love this post and the wonderful memories! I especially loved Rosie's "upgrade" pic in the bedroom. Yes, without 10 others there's plenty of room! And Jane blocking her ears... :-) Thanks for wonderful memories!

Dorothy said...

These are all too precious! Love the tradition of the pizza night for so many years!