
Thursday, June 2, 2022

May wrap-up

May was a month. There are many reasons our family is ready to move on toward June - a new month, a new season, and also maybe I won't have to have both bathing suits and winter jackets hanging up on the hooks in the garage at the same time. That being said, we had some lovely times sprinkled in.

We swam at Coach Anne's house.

Rosie and Ben did lots of lego building.

We found out Rosie can touch the ground while swinging on the baby swing...

We got to see lots of baby Robert. His cousins are obsessed with him as he is still in the stage where he'll do what they want him to do :)

Ben has been drawing! If you look closely you can see the little monster truck he drew. Down below Rosie drew a house and me and her above it - they were supposed to draw things they were thankful for.

On a random day off we played at Matthew Whaley's playground.

Lots of soccer games and practices went down in May.

We also spent lots of time at the playground and Uncle Eric came down for a visit!

My big helper Bonnie helped me make pizza.

Coach Anne took Ben and Rosie to "Old McDonald's" one day when strawberry picking failed.

A bird during a storm left a fun surprise in our yard that scared me half to death when I almost stepped on it.

Breakfast buddies...

Our pool opened early - we are so excited about pool season!

Apparently Jane can do the splits...

We had a teddy bear picnic one day on the back porch.

Ben is definitely getting more creative with his drawing - here are some dogs he drew.

We had a picnic at church and they brought a fire truck, which both Ben and Jane loved!

This time of year is always fun - there is so much fun happening at school as they wind down and do end of year activities, it stays light out later so everyone is out playing, and the weather gets a bit more consistent. Plus the pool opens which is a huge highlight for our crew. Ben and Rosie are even starting swim team this year!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Busy month!. Crazy that a fish showed up in your yard! Love Ben's drawings!