
Monday, August 15, 2022

My birthday and... HAMILTON!

This year we spent my birthday up in Round Hill. My mom made me the cake she made for my 1st birthday!

35 years first birthday cake!

Antelope, Uncle Benny, and Uncle Eric decorated the house for my birthday, including streamers on my door!

My mom and Dave got my some very sweet and thoughtful gifts - a banneton proofing basket for the bread I've been making and a lame. I'm really excited to use them!

The night of my actual birthday, Chris had enlisted the family to watch the kids and took me out on a surprise adventure.

We went out to dinner at Founding Farmers. I had a drink called The Constitution. 

Then we headed into D.C. I eventually realized we were going to the Kennedy Center (as we turned in near there) but it wasn't until we walked up to the front that I saw the sign...we were going to see Hamilton!!!

It was in the Opera House - and it was amazing! Chris had gotten tickets way earlier this year and had kept it a secret until my birthday. I was so, so excited and it definitely did not disappoint. The girls were a little jealous they got left behind but it really was just so incredible. Thank you, Chris!!!


Dorothy said...

The happiest of birthdays to you my dear! Love you! So glad that Chris was able to pull off such an amazing surprise!

grammy said...

What a special guy you married! Good job, Chris.

Patty said...

I literally have tears in my eyes reading this! What an amazing night! I'm so happy for you! (And that son of mine isn't too bad, either!)

The Stratton Scrapbook said...

Aw, this is amazing! What a sweet surprise and special birthday!