
Thursday, September 1, 2022

August wrap-up

August has been a great and relatively relaxing way to end the summer. We had no structure as swim team was over, which was good in some ways, but very hard in others. We went up to visit my mom at her house for a vacation, celebrated two of our birthdays, and otherwise just spent a lot of time at the pool. 

We've gotten lots of cousin time.

The kids had a small group sleepover for the first time! It was also Ben and Rosie's first sleepover away from home.

I took this picture because I don't know how many more times, if any, all the kids will be in one shopping cart together...

Rosie and Ben are occasionally creative during nap time. In this instance, they built tracks with crayons.

Fort building and show performing...

Jane eats cookies from the top down...anyone else?

Ben and dad.

Colonial Williamsburg with friends.

Snuggle time.

The kids did Pizza Hut's summer reading program and got their Book it prizes!

One day the kids made a scavenger hunt inside the house.

The kids got to play on a giant inflatable slide in the neighbor's backyard.

Eleanor has gotten into sewing a bit lately and made this skirt.

Eleanor got to celebrate an early birthday when Grandma and Dave were in town. Grandma took her out on a little shopping trip, which she loved!

The kids attempted some papier mache.

Spent lots of time at the pool.

Eleanor got indoor hammock hooks for her birthday.

The kids rediscovered our old stroller right as I was trying to get rid of it.

We did back to school haircuts.

Ben has been climbing trees.

We got lots of ice cream with our summer reading program coupons from the library.

Ben started mowing lawns (just kidding).

Onward to September...a good first month of school, a couple more birthdays, and hopefully some cooler weather!


Dorothy said...

I love the summer days. I still can't get over E's hammock over her bed!! It was great to have the little gathering for E at the new house!

Dorothy said...

I loved reading the kids scavenger hunt clues. Very good!!!

Patty said...

These are all so great. Can't get over that small group sleepover! And love E's hanging hammock in the room!