
Thursday, October 20, 2022

Cousin Matthew

We are all super overjoyed to share that we have a new nephew/cousin! Auntie Mollie and Uncle Rob welcomed their new son Matthew into the world this month and we were able to meet him! He is such a cute little guy!

The older two girls were particularly excited to meet Matthew. Eleanor loves babies and Jane does, too, though while she was holding Matthew he sneezed and it scared her, so she was done!

Ben and Rosie were both a bit more stand-offish. I expected that with Rosie, because she acted similarly when meeting her cousin Riser 6 months ago, but I was surprised with Ben. He generally has to be told to give space or back up, but he was too nervous to hold Matthew. They both love to talk about him though!

They were much more interested in playing with cousin Robert's toys :)

Welcome to the world, Matthew! We are so glad you're here!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Welcome Matthew! So cute!