
Monday, October 31, 2022

October wrap-up

October is one of my favorite months every year. The weather is fantastic here, the leaves start to change, and doors and windows can stand open. The only annoying part is sometimes having to start the day with jackets on and then switching to shorts in the afternoon. 

We had an unseasonably warm day (high of 75!) and the kids played with water balloons and slip and slides.

Ben and I enjoyed some snuggles.

We've done several hikes.

We took a trip to Busch Gardens.

Ben and Rosie found their old hats from when they were babies.

Lauren made this beautiful stuffed animal for Jane for her birthday!

The girls had a Walk-a-thon at school.

Lots of fun at the library!

Three of our neighbors got puppies this month, two of which are siblings.

We had a soup potluck and hayride night down at the marina.

Ben apparently ran out of paper and colored his body.

Our neighbors gave us some old costumes that the girls are loving playing with.

The sky has been gorgeous on some early mornings.

Ben patiently chilling through a PTA meeting with me.

Ben has started trying to write! This is "Apollo's Chariot"

We finally got Jane's hammock hung up after her birthday.

Topless shell painting, hah!

Chris took Jane to the bank to make her birthday donation to an Occasion for the Arts.

We went "booing" in the neighborhood one night. The kids had a great time acting like spies.

Rosie helped me bake cookies one day.

We've had some late evenings and some tired kids. Rosie fell asleep on the floor next to her bed (instead of in it) and Ben on the front porch waiting for friends to come over, hah!

Playing trick or treat with Bonnie one afternoon :)

Jane decorated a pumpkin like a book character (Clifford) for a school competition.

Ben and Rosie love going to the grocery store with the car shopping cart.

We had a bonfire night last minute in our backyard and it turned out to be quite a success. It was a really fun night.

Onward to November and the holidays!


Dorothy said...

Nice bonfire! Ben falling asleep one the porch was adorable. E and the puppy are so cute!!! I love Jane's new stuffed animal. Great month!

Patty said...

Wow, what a GREAT October!!

The Stratton Scrapbook said...

I love October too! That doll Lauren made is beautiful! Bonfire was so much fun!