
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day

I'm not sure why, but Valentine's Day felt like a lot this year. Class parties were back (and therefore we had to bring in treats), Ben and Rosie were in school for the first time this year (so like 90+ Valentine's vs. 40+ last year), Eleanor had a field trip I was chaperoning the next day, and there were birthday parties and the Super Bowl mixed in. The kids loved it though.

They woke up to chocolates and Valentine's from Grammy and Opa and Chris and me!

We had heart-shaped, pink, chocolate chip pancakes.

Everyone wore shades of pink and red.

We still had our traditional french toast for dinner, but it was one day late due to basketball games and small group schedules. Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Happy Valentines Day!