
Monday, April 3, 2023

Nephews' birthdays

It was a week of birthdays! Riser turned 1 first, and my sister invited us to her small groups' celebration. It was so many tiny kids and reminded me a lot of the season of life when all the kids in our small group were babies and preschoolers - just a couple years ago! What a difference a couple years makes at this age. I can't believe all our kids are basically school-aged now.

Then it was Robert's 2nd birthday! Mollie and Rob had a family party where all the local cousins came over to celebrate with him.

Juliet (a neighbor the girls go to school with) brought her scooter which everyone had fun taking turns with.

Robert opened some gifts...

Then we played out at the playground.

It was such fun family times!

Happy birthday to Riser and Robert!


Patty said...

What a fun weekend! I love seeing all the cousins and kids together!

Dorothy said...

Happy birthday to both!!!! Fun gatherings!