
Monday, May 1, 2023

April wrap-up

April went by so quickly! We were gone on spring break for the first week of it and then I had a trip to Florida in the middle. We had lots of good times around the big events though!

Rosie loooooves green beans. Here is her "big event"

Jane has learned how to do one-handed cartwheels.

The girls' had their spring camp out for scouts. It basically poured rain all evening. We didn't even set up a tent but went for the activities and let the "serious" scouts sleep in the thunderstorms. At one point we were even huddled in the van watching a movie waiting for the storms to pass.

The guys had a lunch date at the California Tortilla in town.

Chris obtained an obscene amount of bacon from a neighbor. We had to figure out how to store it.

Our marina dredge is now complete so we had to say goodbye to all the construction equipment.

Fun cousin time...

I took the twins to Busch Gardens one day while the girls were at school.

Jane had some artwork featured at school.

Rosie and Ben are getting a bit more daring.

We had some buddies come hang out with us one day and the older (almost 2 year old) was quite attached to Eleanor.

Eleanor was invited to a pizza party for a friend and cake home ready took cook and bake everything.

April feels like the very first month of spring in these parts and the beginning of the end of the school year. In fact, Rosie and Ben have only 4 weeks left (8 total school days!) and Eleanor and Jane only have only 7 weeks. For some reasons I am glad to see the end of this school year, but for others (Eleanor's year particularly) I will be very sad!


Dorothy said...

What a cartwheel! Eleanor's love baking is great!

The Stratton Scrapbook said...

Love these pictures! Jane's artwork is beautiful!