
Thursday, May 11, 2023

Chorus concert - Cardinal Crooners

Chorus for Eleanor is wrapping up for the year. They had a winter concert and this was their spring concert. In addition to chorus, any 4th grader that wanted to could practice recorder music and play in the recorder group. Eleanor obviously wanted to do both.

I had forgotten until the very last minute that this was happening due to other stuff going on, but I managed to text Lauren a couple hours before the concert started and they dropped everything and came. Thank you for coming during nap time!

I did record more of the songs, but I will only post a few for you to enjoy :)

First up, a recorder song: New World Symphony

And then two chorus songs... It Starts With Me:

It's Time To Say So Long:

Great job, Eleanor! On both your recorder performance and chorus!


Dorothy said...

Great job!!

Patty said...

How wonderful! I long to be closer so I can go to these!!