
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Last day of school 2022-2023

The end of the school year held lots of fun events and themed days - including the reintroduction of field day post-Covid. 

Eleanor had an end of year project where she decided to crochet a 3-D model of Mercury.

The bus stop crew...three of these kids will be moving on to middle school next year!

Last day pictures:

On the last day we met the kids at the bus stop with popsicles!

Peace out 2nd and 4th grade!


Patty said...

Great pictures! Popsicles were a great idea! And so glad field day is back!

Lauren said...

Can't believe how fast they're growing!!

Dorothy said...

I love the fist and last day pictures - such growth! Looks like the popsicles were greatly enjoyed!