
Thursday, June 1, 2023

May wrap-up

The month of May was filled with end of year things for Ben and Rosie and lots of visits from family. The weather was surprisingly cool for the month making the opening of the pool pretty chilly. This month felt kind of exhausting to everyone and I think we're all looking forward to summer and a change of pace for a little while. The girls still have a couple more weeks of school, though!

We had fun play dates with friends...

Fun at friends' birthday parties...

We spent time down at the marina.

We spent a fair amount of time in Colonial Williamsburg. It's the best time of year when the flowers are blooming and the lambs are born!

Coach Anne got a new swing and let the twins come over to check it out.

Little Monkeys

Speaking of monkeys... Rosie has been very into monkey bars and hanging upside down lately.

The pool opened for the weekend before Memorial Day weekend and the water was COLD! But the kids still got in for a few minutes. I was on the side in pants and long sleeves.

Lacrosse on the way to the bus stop...

Fun times at the neighborhood park.

Eleanor (and Jane, but I don't have a picture) ranked up at cub scouts.

We had a massive tree branch fall at our house very unexpectedly, but thankfully it missed our house.

Jane singing at church with our pastor.

The twins finished Junior Kindergarten, the girls' finished spring sports, summer swim is starting up, and public school is winding down. We're all ready for the change of season (though I'm sure I'll happily look forward to fall when it arrives, too)!


Patty said...

Great pics with great activities! (Why is E looking so grown up??) Love the one of Rosie upside down!

Dorothy said...

It seems always so busy at your house! Love all the pics!