
Monday, July 31, 2023

July wrap-up

July was heavy on swim! We had lots of practices and meets, but a few other activities sprinkled in. It was hot, as it usually is during July, but we spent lots of time in the water. 

Ben attempts butterfly and breaststroke:

Eleanor was invited to a hippie-style party.

Diving for gems with friends in the pool.

There were four lacrosse clinics this summer that the girls attended and then even Ben started playing. 

Rosie up to her usual hijinks.

Playing at neighboring neighborhood's playground.

Shug came down to visit!

We had a small group girls night at the lavender farm.

Celebrating Uncle Rob's birthday!

Hanging with Uncle Benny at church when Antelope was out of town.

Ben was tapped to play Zacchaeus for a VBS video.

Uncle Rob came to babysit one night so Chris and I could go out to dinner for our anniversary. We told the kids they could put on a movie but they had other plans - they dressed up as pirates and played were prepared to have fun.

Dinner at Cochon for our anniversary!

Fun at Busch Gardens with cousins.

Waiting for adult swim to end...

We've been doing the summer reading program at the library.

Ben and Rosie were invited to a cars party!

We went to several Chapel Family picnics.

Spent an afternoon at Water Country.

Our diving boards were down for several weeks and now they're back open!

Rosie's toes need a break from the pool...

The kids got to have a fun play date with friends when I had to go out of town for the day.

Swim officially ends today with an end of year awards ceremony and we are looking forward to a couple getaways in August before school starts.


Patty said...

So many good feels in this post! Great picture of Shug and all the kids, and you and all the gals! I love lavender! I bet Ben did a great job being Zacchaeus and so glad you had a nice anniversary dinner!!

Dorothy said...

Good try for Ben on improving his strokes! These are some great pictures. Happy anniversary!