
Monday, August 14, 2023

VBS - Shine Jesus' Light 2023

One of our summer highlights is always VBS. Ever since Covid, it's been Family VBS in the evenings. Our kids had a blast, as always. 

Small group...

The girls with Cici - their favorite launch checker/volunteer.

Ben with the planets, mission control, and the astronauts Major Tom and Mickey Way.

The kids with the Lunar Lander.

Carnival games...

Rock wall fun! Both Eleanor and Jane made it to the top. Rosie made it about halfway up and then wasn't heavy enough to come back down so someone had to go up and pull her down.

Fun science experiments...

Helping with clean up...

It was a great week! Thank you Chapel, for another great VBS week!


Dorothy said...

It's amazing how the chapel did so much detail on the Stella event! Looks wonderful!

Patty said...

So much goes into VBS. What a wonderful family event!