
Monday, October 23, 2023

Rosie lost her first tooth!

Well, our youngest lost her first tooth! This milestone to me is always a little bittersweet. We knew it was coming because it was loose... at first she was a bit weirded out. "My mouth hurts when I eat something!" But when I told her it was a loose tooth she got very excited!

Then one morning before school, she was cooking eggs with Chris and said, "What is that?" and Chris said, "I don't know, is it a piece of egg or something?" and then Rosie looked closer in her hand and said, "It's my tooth!!" She took it to school in a jar to show her teacher (whose daughter is studying to become a dentist) and awaited the tooth fairy.

And the tooth fairy came!!

Growing up...


Patty said...

This is so cute. I love how happy she is!!

Dorothy said...

So cute!