
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Field Day

Also the second to last week of school was field day! I had been promising the kids I would volunteer for years. I never could before because you can't bring siblings with you, but this year with them all in school, I was able to do it.

Jane with her buddy for field day, Sienna.

Catching Eleanor in the morning - she was a 5th grade helper for a Kindergarten duo for the first half of the day.

Rosie and Ben loved field day. Ben's 5th grade helper was Tommy who lives on our street and his buddy was Levi. Rosie got to be with Allison, her favorite friend from class who came halfway through the year. Allison didn't speak any English when she came this year but seemed to have picked up quite a bit by this point.

I finally caught Jane at lunch time. Her class was getting Sno-to-Go. She loved the obstacle courses!

It was a great (and hot) field day!

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