
Thursday, August 1, 2024

July wrap-up

July has been hot. Very, very hot. It feels hotter than previous years, and it also feels like a very regular summer month for us. We will be gone for two weeks in August and then home for a week before school starts, so we have been enjoying the normalcy we've had this month. 

Ben drew a Commanders field in the garage.

Eleanor (and Mackenzie) and Jane (and Wynter) tied for trivia night at the Chapel Family Picnics. Eleanor won the tie breaker...

Ben has been rocking his Captain America costume recently as the kids have started into the Marvel-verse. So far they've done Captain Marvel, Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Thor.

We've spent lots of slow Monday afternoons at the library.

Jane cut 11 inches off of her hair. I didn't get an after picture as she was pretty stressed about it, but as you see pictures later this month and next, you'll get the idea.

The girls also won an honorable mention at the Chapel Family Picnic for their Blackberry Dark Chocolate Chip cookies decorated like the Chapel logo.

Chris and I celebrated our 16th anniversary at Billsburg on a rainy night and then had dinner and played board games with friends.

We've taken a lot of evening walks this month.

Playing at the playground during swim practice.. earlier this season, a girl broke both her arms on this spinny structure and Auntie Mollie was the one to help keep her calm until the ambulance and her dad came! 

We've celebrated birthdays with friends.

Rosie and Ben did their first panoramics at the dentist.

We've gone to Water Country - and everyone is tall enough to ride Colossal Curl!

We've used every rainy or cloudy day as an excuse to go to Busch Gardens without the crowds.

We've played lots of games on the porch.

Jane and her friend dressed up as each other one morning at church.

The kids visited a friend's bunny.

We spent a lot of time down at the marina.

We played Bingo at the clubhouse and there were lots of winners!

Summer swim wraps up this weekend and then we are off to other adventures in August. It was so nice to have a full month of summer at home enjoying where we live!

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