
Thursday, January 30, 2025


We finally got snow! The first weekend in January we got about 3 inches, extending an already 16 days off of school (winter break) by two and a half extra days. It started one evening before bed.

The kids, who haven't had a snow day in three years, were so excited. I would have been more excited if this was a "break" from school rather than an extension of an already long break. Thankfully at least our kids have seen snow every year because we have gone to the mountains in CO and WY the last two years.

We all got out there for snowball fights, snow angels, and snowman building!

It rained most of that first day, but they were back out for day two bright and early where they made snow thrones and pulled each other around the backyard on a sled (the hills weren't covered anymore after the rain).

Backyard sledding... Jane started pulling everyone after and was exhausted!

It stayed cold all week long and the snow didn't melt (though thankfully the kids went to school for a half day on Wednesday through the rest of the week)...until Friday when we got more snow! This time we got more like 4 inches on top of leftover snow that was still there, and no rain to follow it. We built more snowmen and went sledding at Jamestown.

Rosie helped shovel the driveway with Chris.

So much snow!

Layering up:

Sledding time!

Then we headed home for more sledding on our street:

And I made another snowman!

Here is a sledding video...and Rosie snowboarding at the end!

Then on the Tuesday evening after MLK Jr. Day, it snowed again! We only got about 2 very powdery inches, but it cancelled school for Wednesday, Thursday, and gave them a 2-hour delay Friday because it never got out of the 20s and the roads were a sheet of ice.

Chris and I walked down to the marina to check it out. The basin and slips were iced over.

The kids did less playing in it because it was so powdery and wouldn't pack so no snowball fights or snowmen this time.

Jane with my favorite face... her scrunch face!

Yay for snow! We may have gotten more inches in a previous year, but I can't ever remember three separate snow events, 4 snow days, and 2 delay days all in the month of January (or even within a school year!). Let it not be the only snow we get this year...

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Lots of snow! You really had fun with it. Loved all the sledding!