
Monday, March 3, 2025

February wrap-up

February - more snow days and days off school! I took a trip to Texas and Chris went up to visit his mom. Otherwise we spent a lot of time in the house all together this month. While the snow has been very fun, we are all ready for spring at this point.

The kids made a play about Adam and Eve. Rosie was the apple and Jane was Satan. It was hilarious.

We went to the Banque for a friend's 40th!

The kids had a sleepover at a friend's house while I was in Texas and Chris was in northern Virginia.

Eleanor and Hannah went to see the new Captain America for Hannah's birthday. 

Shug and Rachael came down to visit for the weekend (after their January trip got cancelled due to snow).

Rosie and Ben made a rainbow road with cards:

Ben lost his two front teeth!

Eleanor had a friend over on a snow day and we played Catan.

Rosie made us breakfast on snow day #123485.

Snuggling watching tv:

Fun with fruit roll-up tattoos:

I had to have a procedure at the hospital this month.

Rosie being very silly!

We had dinner at Grandma and Dave's.

Playing at the library on yet another snow day I'm sure.

Jane had a Battle of the Books practice at the library.

Rosie and Jane made some album covers (on another snow day).

Fun twin time.

Jane finished crocheting a scarf for her friend.

Eleanor with buddies at a basketball game.

The month of February was cold and by the end of it we have had 8 snow days and 2 delay days this year (after having zero of either in three years). It was kind of a rough month for everyone and we are all looking forward to a change of season at this point! Lots of things are about to wrap up (basketball for all, Battle of the Books for Jane, Reflections for all, and the school play for Eleanor) and we will be able to get outside a bit more! Onward to March!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

It has been so nice to be nearby! Too many snow days in one month:) I am ready for Spring too!