
Monday, November 30, 2020

November wrap-up

November started out COLD! We had such mild weather through most of October that it seemed a bit surprising. We had a couple good days right in the middle, but overall it began to be chillier. Rosie got her cast off so hopefully her arm is all healed now. We celebrated Thanksgiving (more on that soon), spent tons of time outside, and enjoyed the beauty of fall.

Eleanor's life goals.

Ben, doing his thing.

Outdoor church remains a huge blessing.

Never a dull moment in Colonial Williamsburg.

Eleanor and Bonnie.

Chris has been playing tennis.

Someone is now potty-trained!!!

Rosie has gotten good at riding a tricycle.

The girls' soccer season ended. We played in a neighbor's backyard this year.

Eleanor got to hang with some friends out in Charles City on the Chick.

Bonnie got dedicated at church and Rosie crashed her pics! We love being so close to them!

So, so, so many leaves

Twins pushing twins.

Jane entered a cookie baking contest in our neighborhood where Eleanor was a judge.

We went to a game and outdoor movie night at a friends' house.

Rare Rosie and Jane bonding moments. Jane tries so hard to get Rosie on her side!

We went to the lake in our neighborhood a couple times.

The girls had their annual well-checks this month.

We did lots of science experiments - notice the water in the glass behind Ben's head separated into two colors. A study on water density!

Ben splashing in the bath - making waves for his boats. The stuff on the walls is paint/soap - I promise it's not quite that dirty all the time. 

We got to celebrate Bonnie's first birthday with her, complete with golf cart ride! She is starting to have such a personality!

It's always fun to run into friends in Colonial Williamsburg.

Jane in a tree.

Nap time in their new bed is very hit or miss.

Ben being naughty - this time he got a bag of chocolate chips and a bag of marshmallows out and was quietly eating them for potentially 20 minutes.

It was a good month! We are aiming to get through approximately half of our curriculum by Christmas, so we will do three weeks of school in December before taking the rest of the month off. Hope everyone enjoys the Advent season!


Dorothy said...

Another great month!

Patty said...

Such beautiful fall pictures and a sweet celebration for Bonnie!