
Thursday, December 31, 2020

December wrap-up

December has been interesting as COVID cases have been going up, up, up. More restrictions have been put in place, and we did our best to celebrate a very different Advent season this year. In some ways I very much felt the loss, and in other ways it was a more peaceful and beautiful season.

The girls discovered the Kirsten hair style as Eleanor was reading through the Kirsten series earlier this month (American Girl).

Eleanor played tennis with a friend at the park.

The kids helped decorate the Christmas tree.

Eleanor suffered a mask-related injury in the church bathroom (all is well now).

Church outside continues! We bundle up now. And it moved to 11 am.

It snowed! Barely, but the kids bundled up anyway.

Eleanor has gotten very into football much to Chris's pleasure.

We decorated cookies with friends - a tradition that has now continued for four years.

Ben has gotten more and more destructive and I am continuing to find messes and broken things in his wake.

We've seen a few spectacular sunsets recently.

Our small group had our COVID-friendly last meeting of 2020. 

Ben and Rosie have been playing more make believe together. Here they are sledding down a hill on the yoga mat (though Ben was convinced he was driving a car). Usually Eleanor and Jane lead the play, but they're occasionally starting to go off on their own to play.

An afternoon of popcorn, games, and tea after we wrapped up school for 2020. It was wonderful!

The kids' favorite song this year has been Drummer Boy. Here they are rocking out with their drums.

Ben fell into a fountain in what was potentially the scariest moment of parenting for me to date. Eleanor and Jane were screaming and crying, though Eleanor showed incredible maturity by focusing on the problem despite her fear. She immediately started stripping off her jacket, sweatshirt, head wrap without being asked while I was taking Ben's soaking clothes off. I was incredibly impressed. Obviously he is fine.

Santa visited our neighborhood this year!

We had a much quieter and slower December this year and are ready to hibernate a bit in January and February as the world battles COVID. Here's to hoping 2021 exceeds expectations!


Patty said...

Great pics and memories! LOVE the little drummer video!!

Dorothy said...

Cute video!! It is never dull at the Stratton's!