
Monday, October 7, 2024

Chris' birthday

This year Chris' birthday was a little strange because he was out of town for his 20th high school reunion! He got to see several of his friends from high school: Austin, Casey, Lindsey, Whitney, and Diego. 

He also got to spend some quality time with his mom while he was there. They did some yard work and went to an Oktoberfest at a local brewery.

He got back into town the morning of his birthday and we had church, and then celebrated that evening. We had carnitas and coronas per Chris' request. They were delicious. His mom also sent him home with a giant bowl of spaetzle! It was a Sunday, so Jane decorated his cake with 39 M&Ms around the perimeter and the Commanders logo in the middle. The Commanders won, so it was a good day!

Rosie continued her tradition of carrying the largest present into the room and then Ben and Rosie opened all of Chris' presents for him ;) What a good dad.

Happy birthday to the best dad and husband on the planet!

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