I'm a very organized person. I like to be able to find things when I want them and always know where everything is. I don't, however, stack my tupperware. I don't know, it just doesn't bother me! As long as I can shove it all into the cabinet without it crashing down, I'm happy. Don't get me wrong, it has all come cascading out on an occasion or two and it always frustrates me, but it hasn't been enough of an issue yet. Maybe when I accumulate so much of it that there's no possible way to fit it in without stacking I'll cave and start. I've just been noticing recently though that it doesn't reflect the rest of my life, at all! What about you - are you a stacker, or just as disorganized as me?
i would definitely not be a stacker, but i love the spinning thing that holds the tuppeware in place! (remember that?) i get so frustrated when i can't find a matching lid so the spinning organizer is a life saver!
My mom has a spinner. I have spinner-envy! I'm a somewhat organized stacker. My lids are kept separate from my container, mostly.
I just throw them all in a cute little plastic basket that I can pull out when I need one. I think they had babies, though. Now I seem to have so many that I have to stack them in the basket. So maybe the basket isn't such a great idea.
haha i am also pretty organized about everything but tupperware- it is too much trouble! this spinner thing sounds intriguing.
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