today's Farmville Moment is not a happy one, but I wanted to let everyone know that Chris and I are safe in case you've heard
the news. There was a quadruple homicide in our neighborhood on the street behind us. The police caught their suspect earlier this morning, but the story seems pretty gruesome. I figured Farmville would be so much safer and quieter than D.C. but I guess things like this can happen anywhere.
The story is just horrible.
My heart is just aching for their families. So sad. It is just inconceivable that something like this would happen in farmville.
oh wow that is terrible. i'm really glad you guys are safe
so sad! So glad to know you guys are safe. H
i'm so glad that you two are safe. i'm sure the families and community are heartbroken though. so sad.
Yikes! Who would've thought! In Farmville!
Glad you all aren't hurt! You guys are miracles!
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