
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Gmom visits!

Seriously, this girl has gotten spoiled by visitors. Both grandmas and two of her aunts in the last month have come down to see her! Gmom (Chris' mom) came down for the day this past weekend. Sadly I was working that day, but they had a wonderful time together. Eleanor was given a new toy that she loves

It's one of those baby walkers (not sure what they're officially called). She sits and plays with the front of it for what seems like a very long time, and, with some stand by assistance for faltering balance, can use it to walk around the living room! Her biggest problem right now is that she tries to lean over it to play with the colorful things that spin at the top instead of holding on to the handle.

Gmom and Chris took a trip to Lowe's and staked my tomatoes, which are growing! It was something I wanted to get done at least a week ago but have been working a lot lately. Maybe I'll post pictures of those later. They also stopped for ice cream at Bruster's and visited me at work. Sadly Eleanor was sleeping so I didn't get to show her off to my work friends, but it was great that they came by!

Thank you for visiting Gmom!!


Dorothy said...

What a fun visit! She will be off and running with that new walker!

Patty said...

You can only go so long without seeing her...What a treat to spend the day with Eleanor and Chris and I'm glad we could stop by the hospital to say hello to you, Katie. She is such a joy!!

Christina Casares said...

how fun! Patty looks so happy to be spending the day with her sweet granddaughter!

maggie said...

such a great visit! E is such a popular little lady!