
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Visiting with cousins

The last day of Chris' fiscal year, I decided to take the girls down to Virginia Beach for the day. Chris' cousins from Boston were down there for both dance and softball tournaments and we figured we would try to swing through both of them to watch and say hi while they were nearby. We got there early before dance and softball started, so we swam in the hotel pool with Rachel and Maryellen.

Then we cleaned up a headed to Jackie's dance competition where her two dances won 1st and 2nd place, after her solo the day before won 1st place! Both Eleanor and Jane were totally enthralled with the dancing, and Jane (definitely my dancer) danced through the whole performance in my lap. Eleanor was start struck afterwards getting to take her picture with Jackie in a "princess" outfit backstage!

From there we made a stop at Chick-fil-A (this day was turning into a dream day for Eleanor) and then off to Maryellen's softball game.

After softball, it was around dinner time and while I had been thinking about heading home to get the girls down at a normal bedtime, everyone was behaving so well and Eleanor was just having a blast so we decided to stay. We had a picnic dinner outside near the hotel.

At that point it was almost 8pm so I was definitely going to head back but Eleanor was having such a great time playing with Rachel and Jackie that we ended up staying again and went back to the pool!

At that point, poor Jane was trying to fall asleep in the pool in her pool float so we had to call it quits. We changed and got back in the car to head home (where both children promptly fell asleep). Eleanor was having so much fun that she had a meltdown in the hotel room..."but why can't I just go to sleep in this bed??" We had such a blast with Chris' cousins and wish our time together had been longer! A huge thank you to Gaby, too, for helping me with the girls all day!


Patty said...

What a fun day we had! So happy you got to come and spend the day with everyone!

Dorothy said...

Looks like such a great day! Glad you all had such fun!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like it was a blast! Wish I could have been there!!! Love, Aunt Michele