
Monday, October 30, 2017

Shug visits

Shug came down to visit one last time before these babies make their appearance and we had a great day hanging out and spending time with him. There had been a bit of a disturbance in downtown CW (and IED was set off the night before) so instead of walking around CW, we went to Kidsburg to play and let Shug's dog, Henry, get some exercise. Eleanor loooved showing Shug how she's learned to pump on the swing.

From there we grabbed a picnic lunch and headed out to the river to eat it. It was a beautiful day!

After that the girls took their naps and Shug and I hung out outside while Henry roamed the yard until it was time for them to head home. Next time they come I'm sure we won't be going anywhere with two more babies in tow so I'm glad we got to enjoy a gorgeous October day together outside!


Lauren said...

I had no idea about the IED! So crazy and scary. A picnic on the water sounds so nice - what a good idea.

Dorothy said...

Looks like it was a fun day! So glad no one was injured with that IED. I had no idea!