
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Habe Mothrs De

Maybe my favorite thing about Mother's Day this year was that Eleanor wrote me a card by herself! Sure the spelling was a bit off, but our sweet girl has started reading these past 2 weeks (very simple books) and has been doing a fantastic job! She's got a long way to go, but I have been very impressed.

We went to Busch Gardens on Saturday and rode a few new rides with Eleanor: The Battle for Eire (a VR ride) and Roman Rapids (a water/rapids ride).

I rested on the couch, always with Ben since Ben does not like to nap and won't sleep unless someone is holding him (except at night, when he sleeps excellently and much better than his sister, likely because he is exhausted from the day). I don't understand Ben. He cries to the point of hyperventilating and shaking if you try to put him down for a nap. Poor guy.

We also FaceTimed with our moms (chaos as usual).

And played a new game called "sprinkler ball" invented by Chris. Someone stands in Croc Lagoon and plays defense using "defense cups" (measuring cups used to fling water) while someone else tries to get the beach ball into the pool. If the party is successful, they yell "sprinkler ball!" and the defender has to run through the sprinkler. This game was surprisingly a success. Jane, who doesn't like getting wet usually, ran through the sprinkler! She did better than Eleanor. I'd like to add that the "defense cups" were my contribution to the game.

We also went to church and got a family picture.

Happy Mother's Day to all who mother, will mother, or have mothers. :)


Dorothy said...

Happy Mother's Day! Fantastic card from E! The smiles on Jane and Eleanor in the sprinklers are so sweet! Nice game invention Chris. What a lovely day and a beautiful family! Love you all!

Lauren said...

Happy Mother's Day!! Looks like it was such a nice day. I'm so impressed E is reading?!? You guys are going to have to teach us Sprinkler Ball this summer. I hope you felt very loved and celebrated - you deserve it!