
Thursday, August 30, 2018

August wrap-up

August is our last full month of summer. School - real school this year! - starts just after Labor Day in our area and puts an end to our long, hot, semi-unstructured days.

We celebrated my birthday - my mom came down to visit and we went out to Blaze Pizza for dinner and had cake together. Chris made me an amazing chocolate peanut butter pie!

Rosie learned to splash in the bath.

Ben started sitting, which meant the babies started interacting more, which has been so fun to watch!

Pizza movie nights continue on the weekend with four sitters now!

We continue to spend time in Colonial Williamsburg.

We went up to Lorton for a night to see cousins.

I killed a 3.5 foot snake in our garage. It was awful.

We've had lots of sibling fun.

Shug and Rachael came down to visit and we had fun checking out a new brunch place called HoneyButter's Kitchen. We also got caught in a torrential downpour in Colonial Williamsburg!

Lots of naps have occurred.

Eleanor lost her second tooth at Water Country.

We've had playdates with friends.

We started taking evening walks after dinner and before bedtime almost every night. We're trying to keep the babies happier because they've been getting so fussy when it gets close to bedtime.

August was great, and as much as I'm mourning Eleanor being busy and gone so much during the days of this school year, we are looking forward to more structure. It's been a long, hard, and hot summer for me, but also so, so rewarding. Onward to fall and September!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

That was a BIG snake!!! Cute cousins picture and sweet movie nights with four kids! I love the evening walks. Such a great way to relax at the end of a day. Miss you all already!