
Monday, August 6, 2018


Well, we finally succumbed and signed Eleanor up for ballet during the summer. She has been asking to do ballet for at least a year and I figured it was time. She is so excited about it and absolutely loves it so far. We are trying to convince her to go back to soccer in the fall, but I'm not sure how well we'll do at this. We did commit to no after school activities through December since she still naps during the afternoons and we don't know how she'll do being in school for so long every day so ballet will likely not be an option this fall anyway.

Poor Jane wishes she was in ballet!

Eleanor is for sure the most enthusiastic kid in the class. Her technique may not be the best, but what she lacks there, she for sure makes up in heart. 

Eleanor's ballet teacher is very strict. She has a dress code and doesn't let parents into the room. A great policy, if you ask me, but very abnormal for parents of this generation! Eleanor seems to really enjoy it though, so we are glad for her. The class is apparently for 5-7 year olds, but we signed Eleanor up because she is close to that. Then they combined the 7-9 year old class with theirs because there weren't enough people in that class so she really is the youngest in there by quite a bit. She is hanging in there though! This girl loves a challenge.


Lauren said...

Love the videos, way to go E! Poor Janer, soon enough I'm sure. Her dimples are out of control cute.

Dorothy said...

She is certainly not shy about getting out there and showing what she can do. I love the videos! Jane is just adorable!

Patty said...

I think she is a very elegant dancer at her young age! That pic of Jane though...