
Friday, August 24, 2018

Eleanor's 5th birthday

Up to this point, we have celebrated our kids' birthdays on their actual birthday (instead of moving the party to a weekend) and it has worked well because none of our kids have been in school yet. It's been a good policy since our birthdays are all fairly close together.

Eleanor was able to decorate her birthday cake the night before.

On her birthday, she woke up and did the birthday string that we adopted a few years back...

...she opened presents...

...then Chris took her on a "Daddy-daughter-doughnut-date..."

...we went to swimming lessons with some new friends...

...then everyone came home for naps to prepare for Eleanor's birthday party! We invited our friends over on a weekday afternoon thinking that a few would be able to make it but probably not tons. Well, we had 49 (!!!) people over in our 1500 sq foot house. On a Wednesday afternoon. It was chaos. We had a towel rack pulled out of the wall, a curtain rod pulled out of the wall, a broken screen door, and lots of other little mishaps, but our hearts were so full to see all the people who came to celebrate Eleanor. We did an ice cream sundae party so everyone made their own sundaes and played. There were 17 adults present and 32 kids (28 of them were 5 and under). It was way crazier than I thought it would be.

After everyone left, we had dinner and then did birthday cake as a family.

Happy 5th birthday, Eleanor!!!


Lauren said...

That sounds like complete chaos!! But so much love for Eleanor. Pretty impressive you were able to manage your babies and hostess for that many people at the same time, love the made your own sundae idea!

Dorothy said...

Beautiful chaos!! I can just imagine how happy Eleanor was to be the birthday girl that entire day!!! Always the best the be with so many friends! Happy birthday E!!

Patty said...

What wonderful pictures! Everything about her day looked wonderful and happy! You are blessed to have so many friends. I love the sweet girl she is growing up to be!!